Excessiveplus Mapping Project !
here we go,
lets start maps for e+, I mean real ones.
so lets make conventions and then maps ideas first before starting them :
I propose that :
1. excessiveplus map names should starts with xpXP where:
X : the gametype the map will be designed for
- - vs : small 1vs1 maps
- ffa : medium maps
- mffa : massive ffa maps ( fragfest maps )
- tdm : camping designed maps but with many spawnpoints (so respawn should be possible there) .
- freeze : big maps to fit more than 16 players with enough spawn points
- ctf : BFG, nades and rocket moves calculated for CTF/RTF.
[code:1]so examples :
- xpvs1 : 2nd 1vs1 map of excessiveplus mappack
- xpfreeze3 : 4th freeze map of excessiveplus mappack.[/code:1]
2. we have to make some textures and shaders that would be common for all e+ maps.
Feel free to give yours ideas.
3. We had better start with simple maps forms like last oldvamp's map.
so a squarre, a rectangle, a triangle, a cone, a cylindre, a sphere and all that.. then we try arranging that mixing up that basical objects.
lets think what would be nice to have :roll:
we have all to know something important : 32x32 representants about
1meter². cos a player model has 32x32x56 so in general 1m75 height
4. To start making those maps, lets collect some mappers that would help us.
5. Each one would have a map affected if he likes and in a specific gametype.
so I already add oldvamp and myself to the team :
casa maybe :roll: , in fact you are architect and has already done a map
who else ?
[/]Wow! Guys you bring back the spirit for me to make q3 maps!
I have just one question: Is any possible way to "import" lightwave modeller (*.lwo) files into Radiant (or other map editing tool)?
Wow! Guys you bring back the spirit for me to make q3 maps!
I have just one question: Is any possible way to "import" lightwave modeller (*.lwo) files into Radiant (or other map editing tool)?
yes I have found that tool to export as md3 from lightWave, but I haven't tested it
there is also a plugin on the same website
take a screenshot so i can tell which one are mising and ill see about issueing a new pak
So should we create a 'Quake Stone Cutters' team?
I'm impatient :twisted::twisted:
take a screenshot so i can tell which one are mising and ill see about issueing a new pak
So should we create a 'Quake Stone Cutters' team?
Did u get Stonecutters from The Simpsons?
btw, my graphiccard comes tomorrow or wednesday, i can't wait to try make maps
very very nice 1v1 map raven , really. i added it on rotation in the mapping school server .
though there is a green slime pool that doesnt hurt , u should add a trigger hurt there.
and where is the E+ logo?
i only have work 2days at this map i forgot this sry...
in a few days i post a new one without bugs and with hurting slime=)
textures and e+logo ......time will tell=)
and thx for your accolade ^^
hey qXy , read oldvamp's post , about the E+ logo to insert in the maps. i am not sayin we are gonna issue an E+ map pack. not sure we are ready to do that. in terms of ability right now.
if u see other mods map packs like osp map pack and cpma maps , u see a very good quality of mapping that we havent reached yet.(very near to id software level of mapping skills)
but it is a very good start, and some of us are closer to the goal than others.
first yes ,as ali said , we have to make a team of mappers , that agree on same principles ( use of certain textures , use of E+ logo , and some basic principle that will make it suitable for E+ more than any other mod)
for now , Deck16 and thewell raise above all the others.