Is this a camper mod?
Ok, i must say it's a little bit late but i played osp and looked at some videos and saw that the game must played other like this. WITHOUT CAMP!!! THAT'S NOT COUNTERSTRIKE, it's QUAKE AND A FAST First Person Ego-Shooter.
I wondering me always if i ask anyone why he camp and always is the answer the other like HQ and Harding do the same.... Are Hard and HQ all players in this mod or w.. ???? I think a First person shooter like quake should played so that you run through a map and not that you stand in one or two parts of it and wait to rail the enemy like in CS!!! i know that i do that shit some times and i hate it but i don't wanna do this again and i think it would be more fun if you go through a map and could show a good movement.
Sry, for my bad english
eum, personaly its all tactical ...
i aint gonna run trough the map away from the action just so that i wont get a "camper mark".
that makes no sense ....
on dm11 for example ... i usually stick to slime pool just because there is were the most action is. and not that it matters but harding does the same, he sticks to that slimepool ...
but all in all its hard to define camp, to sit in corner and wait for ppl running by, yes sure ill call that camp, though in q3 thats no use, after one frag camping your dead, its so easy to run past and get that fool.
BUT. is it camp if i stick to slime pool area on dm11 ? what defines camp ? ...
harding has great movment patterns ... though he still is in the same area ... not waiting for someone but ... there is always action on a tactical position ...
I prefer running through the map. Its more fun. But try to win a CW in that way...
Yes it is a camper mod.
in osp or any other mod where they usually allow voting most of our best players wouldnt get to play that much.
Harding, SubXaero and Broken all camp like mad and I dont care if you call it tactical or not. You can be all the tactical you want in a clanwar, infact I think that a clanwar is all about tactics. In FFA its just pathetic to sit on one spot and frag, might aswell spawncamp, I dont really see the difference. When winning is more fun than playing you might wanna go find something new to do. Personally I prefer to be in mid-air somewhere on a map spinning around looking for foes rather than standing in a corner shooting the guy with guts enough to move around when he is flying in the air spinning. I mean, who cares if you get fragged.. well unless it is by this guy standing in one of the only 3 places on the map you can find him where he is just waiting to frag one of the guys that are actually moving.
I actually found one of the most renowned players on this mod just last week playing under a new name. First guess on his name was wrong, but then I specced him for about 35 secs and noticed his camping pattern and yeah, I got the name right.
And IMO there is a difference between heading for the slimepool in dmwhatever (I never gonna learn the mapnames ) and for instance standing on the platform on the same map dodged and aiming for the spawnspot. And the spacemap with the elevating platforms, standing behind the pillar at the thingie that sends you to quad (yeayea, ill never learn the names) is NOTHING short of spawncamping and Trouble, you are one of the worst there...
. And dont run away as long as there is action, but do you really need to stand in the corner not beeing part of the action? Is it action standing on top on dm.... (the one after dm17 on BRO servers)? sure go there but please dont stand in the corner by elevator thingie for 1-2 mins.
And the worst part is that these good players, that defenitly are good enough to win without camping, makes it impossible for others to play without camping. DM17 is a good example. Back when I started playing this mod when unkiz, and ogre were the kings dm17 was played in the air. You went up and fragged if you could. Then someone good started standing on one of the platforms or by the teleports where they could get spawnfrags and the ones that were in the air. You went up, you get shot.. only thing you could do is the same if you wanted to win. So one more person and one more person do the same and now you have 3-4 very good players, one on each platform and one at each teleport and now you cant move at all unless you get one of these spots.. I am very angry that on dm17, I find myself doing the very same thing now
Are you trying to get the best times, win by the highest number of frags or what is it all about? Is it really that much fun holding one spot all the time, instantly heading that way the second you spawn? I specced one of these guys on dm3 (I think it is) and he spent about 55 secs of a 2.50 map on other places than his favourite spot and of these 55 secs 30 were spent on moving to the spot and the other 25 secs were spent on clearing the area where he spawned.
I dont think it is camping when you spawn on a spot and you clear the area before you move on, and if there are constant spawning while you are there, fine, frag them, it would be stupid to turn your back on them but when the area is empty for 5 secs and you are still there waiting.. its camping. Thats the way I see it, when you have to WAIT at an area, because its a good area to wait, instead of heading to wherever the action is at that time then you are camping.
Also, these guys dont camp ALL maps. Harding dont camp all maps, neither do Sub, Broken but most of them. And I know there are more people than these guys doing this but Harding, Sub and Broken are the ones I have specced a lot and Broken called it tactics.
HQ... Nah, not so much, sure he will camp some but not as much as some others.
Me, I am sure I have camped some too but I really really try not to. I have tried camping actually to see if it can be fun and I feel bad about it very fast and move even if I am getting frags. I come from q1 originally and camping was as bad as cheating back then and I cant seem to shake that off of me. Camping pisses me off the same way cheating does, imo they are both lame ways of getting an advantage where skill should be what gives you the advantage. TDM, Freeze and CTF is different, especially in a cw, where I think you should use all the sneaky tactics you can to win because thats what cw's are about.
And before someone starts telling me "Who are you to set up the rules about what camping is" like I expect mostly because it happens all the time. I am noone to set up the rules, thats why I dont. These are not rules, thats not what is intended, these are my opinions and you may agree or not.
totaly agre with Bo, its camping mod, i remeber the times that rudz sneman bring this "tactic" of defence on ctf maps here, harding start camps also on this space map, that meakes that i start hate dm17 or this ctf space map, if u wona win game u must start camping. Frezze yes frezze switch this mod totaly to camping mod, and this sticking suxor grenades do not alow to move so speedy like in before meny good players lives, these changes destroy what this mod it is.....
look on my old froind moving on the ctf map, if some of u hawe that skils show me it, demo here
btw server dont hawe multijumps enabled...
and its the first time he played that map you say HQ ? man that guy can move !!!
on the topic if this post......i think there is a nice balance, you gave have to stampede constantly through the map.. Although i prefer that type of play...
and maps like have to stay around the areas of highest player numbers ...that’s sort of the point and if you spend too much time not seeing a player to frag you frag rate drops and you loose the map.....
Maybe anticamp would be good...but a very small defined area...and low amount of time
Staying in the area is one thing. Constantly holding one or two spots where you are hardest to frag in that area is quite another thing.
And anticamp is kinda worthless imo, because if you spawn in a room where there already are lots of ppl you should atleast be able to take em out
Camping is boooooring. But as you said, Bo, a playstyle depends much on the map someone is playing on plus the opponents. For some maps I can only see two ways - either I camp or I go spec for all the round. Otherwise the game quickly becomes a onestep or twostep game, especially on space maps or any other maps with large open areas. Pretty frustrating. I remember when I came to e+. I felt noobish with my silly open style of play (like running wildly through a level shooting at players that come across my crosshair). Since then couple of things changed. My aim got a little bit better but I also took some bad habits. Like tactical camping for example, or shooting with BFG into corridors or doors - just in case someone was sneaking somewhere there. I can remember some post I wrote about rocket and bfg spamming. Now Im doing the same :oops:
I think that this is a kind of evolution or at least adaptation. You take the patterns you observe - especially being a noob at the beginning I spected good players alot.
Im sure its good that you posted what you think about camping in e+, my point of view is pretty much alike, but Im afraid it will not change to much...
Iff i dont remember it wrong butt when i was new here almost a 1year ago now there where never any spawncamping i dont remember iff there where so many players that new where the spawns where at that time and defently no sneakky around the maps either i can be wrong butt then we meat this dude HQ that sneakked around and evry1 was supprised by that movement so evry 1 start 2 spec him and they saw that there where lots off sneakky shit going on And evry 1 do the same (As i said i can be wrong now!) Sry 2 change the subbject a little
I must say it seems to be that camping is a new trend and with this camping the mod will destroyed with the campers in it, because if some new people join the mod and see only camping they would be get mad. All people see first the normal quake and i think there isn't much camp. This mod should make the game faster and camping does it make slower. The weapons here can kill your enemies faster and like some ppl called it "tactical" is only a noob way to frag some ppl easier. This ppl are here most the good players which changed to this "tactic". Then i must asking me why they do this? If all ppl wouldn't camp they would have more fun and that's the reason why you play the game and not only to win it. I know that i had the same thinking and it makes me mad (
) but i will try to change this thought and make it better(
). I will not camping any more and if see it some-one they can tell it to me(
). I know that some maps like dm17 try to invade you to camp but we all should resist them that call use more the multijump that is integrated in this mod or go to another mod which would have only to do with camping.
Understand it or not.