Is this a camper mod?
Pfff...who drinks water now-a-days?
crackers and candybars wax ...
just thought i would lob in a bit of levity into the subject
water with suger milk and a teabag is nice
I agreed with Bo 100%
here problem solved:
Camping/tactical whatever yall want to call = Pussy
Solve it by making the anti camp radius HUGE that way you have to move around.
All I cansay about camping is:
Move it! you sneaky bastard!!!! :twisted:
Camping/tactical whatever yall want to call = Pussy
Solve it by making the anti camp radius HUGE that way you have to move around.
I'll second that.
This is not camper mod, only some players tends to camp. That's all
It is ExcessivePlus mod :!: :twisted:
This game is played for fun, so wheres the fun in camping? you dont get the most out of the game staying in one spot, but i still say, if you have the flag on ctf or can hold your own in a promanant spot ina death match then why not, comes down to your playing style, but full on silly camping really should be outlawed
yup camping sucks, wheres the fun in it? but someplayers do thrive on it and use it a little in their style, i admit to camping when i have the flag in ctf, but if not GO GO GO!!! (in exessive plus speech voice thing)
W00t I just did it 58 seconds 3 caps and NO multijumps no BFG shots railgun only I am the king it kinda sucks though cause no1 will play with me I have to use a different name i need a demo though
I'd play with you no matter what name you use, don't even care if you kick my ass I still enjoy a good game, it's always fun to play with you or vs you.