Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

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r3n's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

@Wonko and thats the conclusion. There is RA3 and CPMA already. I think we should keep the spirit of bro/plus.cfg but expand gameplay by items and ammo "problematics".

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Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

Ok Dak, here it is - keep in mind a few things, tho: it never was played "seriously", it never was meant to be played "seriously", i only created it so me and my friends could have some fun (they didnt like original plus.cfg much, and threatened to kill me after playing one round on deex.cfg ;d).

Anyway, it kinda visualizes how i would like plus.cfg to evolve. It's a little demented, crazy, has a funky armor system, no powerups, ble ble. No insta rail. Slow bfg. Faster, but less powerful rockets. Slightly more powerful LG <3. Higher health limit. HEALTH BUBBLES YAY! 2 multijumps. Undestroyable missiles. Higher switch time (180). Aaand other small shit like that, too tired to list it all.

Haha, maybe Mow's heart will melt, and he will include those changes in his next plus.cfg version, knowing there are 5 polish ppl playing and totally enjoying this cfg. ;D

@Mow - sorry man, i'm not trying to advertise my shit here, i dont care about any of that since i dont plan to do any hard work on a config anyway.

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

can we see shotgun rails removed in plus? Smug

the more i go over demos, the less serious some frags look when "shotgun rails" appear. it looks kindoff amateurish. Happy

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!

(HK) GoddaM
goddam's picture
Joined: Aug 2004
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

set g_railtrailtime lower it works in same time incriments as 1000 = 1 sec i think default is 400, i have set to 100 and dont notice any sg trails

GreekPecker's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

1) He is talking about using teh demos in a movie so 100 is bad

2) I want to have 1000000 railtrailtime and very thick rails to see where the enemy shot me from. sg rails are bad in every way imo Confused

(HK) GoddaM
goddam's picture
Joined: Aug 2004
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

ahh i see in movies Big grin no worrys..

do you really want that high setting on railtrailtime?? Shock

GreekPecker's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions
(HK) GoddaM wrote:

ahh i see in movies Big grin no worrys..

do you really want that high setting on railtrailtime?? Shock

exaggeration ;] Still 1xxx along with 32 16 widths, or something, would be neat ;]

vroomfoondel's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

the more i go over demos, the less serious some frags look when "shotgun rails" appear. it looks kindoff amateurish. Smile

could that possibly be because it IS amateurish? Big grin

#e+pickup #excessiveplus #class.clan

(HK) GoddaM
goddam's picture
Joined: Aug 2004
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions
*A*C|_ASS*WON]<O wrote:

the more i go over demos, the less serious some frags look when "shotgun rails" appear. it looks kindoff amateurish. Smile

could that possibly be because it IS amateurish? Big grin

yeah well there isnt that many of us who actualy get paid to play, so you are quite right.

vroomfoondel's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

it was a fucking joke. god this community doesnt have a sense of humour.

#e+pickup #excessiveplus #class.clan