Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

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GreekPecker's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions
*A*C|_ASS*WON]<O wrote:

@tar. how exactly did no mjs fuck up gameplay in plus.cfg?

It's not safe to stay on the ground at all times. On plus you have the option to float around at certain times to avoid spam. On plus without mjs you are practically stuck there. With the current reload times it will be pure undeniable spam at corridors, corners...everywhere. "High" swictchtime, "high" grenade reload and no multiple jumps practically nail you on the floor. Try it out a bit, i did for a long time.

I am against multiple jumps too but i realized that 1) most don't agree 2) it requires a lot more changes that multiplejumps: 0 to make it playable (edit: and this will alienate the community)

I had more to say in mind but it's pointless, such a big step will probably devide half of the community. Better play with switchtimes and reload times (even damages if you feel risky) than mess with the multiple jumps.


Foks has a point there which i rarely encounter myself but exists anyway.

vroomfoondel's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

foks. i really do doubt if the response time varies that much among gamers. and btw e+ is huuuugely rewarding to fairly average quakers which is the only reason y its so popular.

tar. i disagree. altho its pure conjecture, i really doubt if anyone half decent would find it difficult not to stay on the ground all the time. but then i cant really tell how gameplay will evolve unless i see it happen.

about dividing the community. thats like the age old ospers argument - "arqon y dont u just support osp as well cos cpma is dividing the q3 community" Big grin. yea right. couldnt care less.

#e+pickup #excessiveplus #class.clan

telox's picture
Joined: Jul 2005
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

As soon as I have more time, I will prepare at least 20 jumps that can't be done without MJ's with plus config on basic maps.

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(HK) GoddaM
goddam's picture
Joined: Aug 2004
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

i been playing as a test ffa with just 2 multijumps set in cfg and it seems that it didnt make much difference to people, space maps like dm17 are the only exception really. it takes more skill for someone to bfg from the middle jump pads out into space and still land on the top platform.
i would go so far to say that in 1v1 there should be NO multijumps.

and foksie i've always agreed with the fact that plus is too slow.
I find there is also a problem when switching to bfg, for some reason the config dont like it and sometimes it gets sticky and dont switch, it is only on the bfg this happens, i dont know why but it happens.

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions
(HK) GoddaM wrote:

i would go so far to say that in 1v1 there should be NO multijumps.

nd then we would have a massive spam at every single corridor, cause frankly each jump you make will land you right on it...

no frikin way Winking

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!

(HK) GoddaM
goddam's picture
Joined: Aug 2004
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

so you are saying the only way to avoid spam is by jumping around??

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
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Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions
(HK) GoddaM wrote:

i been playing as a test ffa with just 2 multijumps set in cfg and it seems that it didnt make much difference to people, space maps like dm17 are the only exception really. it takes more skill for someone to bfg from the middle jump pads out into space and still land on the top platform.

even in e5r i alwas land on platform, just a lg at the skybox behind u and all is ok...

i would go so far to say that in 1v1 there should be NO multijumps.
how much 1on1 u played that u know whats best? imo multijumps are necessary for the unique flow on bro cfgs in 1on1. (and btw, when there no mj, campers win always because of just waiting in position were u can sneak out bfg jumps or attackers.)
and foksie i've always agreed with the fact that plus is too slow.
I find there is also a problem when switching to bfg, for some reason the config dont like it and sometimes it gets sticky and dont switch, it is only on the bfg this happens, i dont know why but it happens.

i agree that switch is a bit to low, always when i look on hardswes 1on1 movie, i see how lovely the old e+ switch was ;d
switchtime of 120 like in (nh?).cfg are perfect, 150 is to slow.

so you are saying the only way to avoid spam is by jumping around??

well, the still fast switch allows u to spamm, and ways to avoid them are moving left, right, back, forward, crouch and JUMP.

well i personally dislike that shotgun is overpowered, since u can destroy missels with it, u just have to switch to sg while enemys try to kill u with rocket.
rocket explodes and u kill the enemy with sg... pretty unfair.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

nh has 100 switch.

@ goddam:

its the only way you can avoid spams that are directed at certain jumps, and on some maps it IS the only way to avoid some spammers.

im not talking about jumping arround, im talking about small variations in bfg slides, etc, that allow you to survive against spam.

example: you can bfg slide from a corner, but if you do the slide by holding right strafe and forward and press jump twice you end up in completely different spot, the one you know enemy isnt spaming.

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!

(HK) GoddaM
goddam's picture
Joined: Aug 2004
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions
rUnThEoN?! wrote:

(HK) GoddaM wrote:
i been playing as a test ffa with just 2 multijumps set in cfg and it seems that it didnt make much difference to people, space maps like dm17 are the only exception really. it takes more skill for someone to bfg from the middle jump pads out into space and still land on the top platform.

even in e5r i alwas land on platform, just a lg at the skybox behind u and all is ok...

so you agree it takes more skill? not just using jump jump jump - and what would you do if settings on lg were sky: 0

rUnThEoN?! wrote:

how much 1on1 u played that u know whats best?

I have probably played more than you, but im not confessing to know whats best, im just giving another opinion onto the subject.

rUnThEoN?! wrote:

i see how lovely the old e+ switch was ;d
switchtime of 120 like in (nh?).cfg are perfect, 150 is to slow

rUnThEoN?! wrote:

well, the still fast switch allows u to spamm

which do you think it is fast or slow??

and @ foksie, is that not the way you react ingame because of the parameters set at the moment.
each players style of gameplay is dictated by the settings they are presented with, i am sure that if there was not multijumps there would be a different style of movement being used.

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions
(HK) GoddaM wrote:

there would be a different style of movement being used.

=> no moving at all

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!