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(HK) GoddaM
goddam's picture
Joined: Aug 2004
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

sky moves? whats this foksie?

alternatively I know some ctf maps benefit from xp_solids 1, mkbase is a prime example of this, in fact i cant think of a map where it would detract from the gameplay with e+ multijumps and bfg slides.

ChRoNo's picture
Joined: Feb 2005
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

my personal opinion is that multijumps in ctf are just annoying, but this is mainly caused by the fact that i'm playing ctf since 1.16 over to 1.32, back to 1.30 and up to 1.32 again to e+, and through different configs. For me, in ctf there can't be multijumps, you have your weapons, move with your weapons, nades, bfg, lg, rockets and plasma, all possible. So to come to an end, in my eyes, they destroy the "origin" of xsiv (sodmod,pants,e+) ctf

vroomfoondel's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

well there you go. thats from an experienced "excessive" ctf'er. Big grin

as for me, as i said im against mjs period. theyre noobish. end of story. especially in a gametype like ctf (double-especially in e+) where movement skill is critical, i think its poor form to have features that make it easier to execute jumps.

#e+pickup #excessiveplus #class.clan

telox's picture
Joined: Jul 2005
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions
^ChRoNo^ wrote:

my personal opinion is that multijumps in ctf are just annoying, but this is mainly caused by the fact that i'm playing ctf since 1.16 over to 1.32, back to 1.30 and up to 1.32 again to e+, and through different configs. For me, in ctf there can't be multijumps, you have your weapons, move with your weapons, nades, bfg, lg, rockets and plasma, all possible. So to come to an end, in my eyes, they destroy the "origin" of xsiv (sodmod,pants,e+) ctf

Well, MJ's have their history too in CTF, maybe not so big as no MJ's in CTF in E5 config, but MJ's in bro config in CTF have been there for a couple of years now. There are really many players who are used to MJ's now and never played any different than without them. What can you say to these people?

Maybe MJ's make some moves to be executed a bit easier, but that's not the main issue for US, MJ's CTFers, the main issue is that we addupted to them and we know sooooooo many moves with them now which are almost not possible to be done without MJ's, we teach these moves to new players too, so what the heck should we do with these impressive jumps if there won't be MJ's anymore?

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vroomfoondel's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

try to learn better movement? Big grin

lol but seriously just cos people are used to a certain way of things is not really a good reason to keep things that way. anyways. enough said. leaving the rest to the auths.

#e+pickup #excessiveplus #class.clan

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

actualy it is wonko Tongue

try changing lets say rail in CPMA to do only 4 damage less, and see how long can you run before CPMA players hunt you down and strangle you with your intestines. Happy

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

With all the movie making lately, i would really like to see shotgun rails removed Happy

They just suck in movies Happy

Thank you ever so much Big grin

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!

Joined: Jan 2004
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions
*A*C|_ASS*WON]<O wrote:

try to learn better movement? Big grin

lol but seriously just cos people are used to a certain way of things is not really a good reason to keep things that way. anyways. enough said. leaving the rest to the auths.

havent seen him playing? u should...

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

would suggest forcerespawn after 5 seconds in 1on1 ;d (there guys waiting whole 15 seconds after leading with 4 frags @ one minute left)

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Joined: Jun 2005
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions
(HK) GoddaM wrote:

alternatively I know some ctf maps benefit from xp_solids 1, mkbase is a prime example of this, in fact i cant think of a map where it would detract from the gameplay with e+ multijumps and bfg slides.

xp_solids 1 is ctf nightmare. There are so many maps where, when you put solids on 1, you can go so far outside of the map into map glitches it's terrible. As a ctf player(eventhough e5/excessive), i see no ctf map that would really benefit from xp solids 1.

just added demo to show what i mean.

RONiN wrote:

lol@sethy ur too funny man... if i was a woman, you would make me horny.