Questions to Ponder...
from the hitch hikers guide..if the answer to the question of life, the universe and everything else was 42..what then was the question?!
It was actually a mathematical error.
Keres, you schmedrick, I know where you got every one of those.
I leave it to your other readers to figure it out. As for The hitchikers guide...
The answer to the meaning of life is not 42, and it isn't a mathmatical error either.
The answer is 420.
A typo left out the zero. It was a clerical error.
So everyone, the meaning of life is 420. Now, light up, and enjoy. It's what life is all about.
i dont want to go to the doctor anymore
im not a cobbaye
How does that work in Alaska? Does "the speed of dark" race to stay put for 6 months?
The speed of light is slower in Alaska.
The speed of light is slower in Alaska.
Frigid temperatures strike again!
I wonder what color is light of speed. Or light of dark. Speed. Thing.
Dunno, i only know my coffee is rainbowish with the slight shade of poo. And the beer can, is shiny.
Once again, you baffle...
The speed of dark must be faster than the speed of light because every time light gets where it is going dark is already there.
Or was that said already?
I used to have super human powers, but my psychiatrist took them away.