Excessive+News [08.08.2010]

34 replies [Last post]
darkangelspa's picture
Joined: Feb 2010



Welcome to E+N Quakers!

Its been a while since our last thread news, but as many know —unique * terror (news maker) leaved e+ side (more about it HERE<-(click) to take some holydays

(hope he will return soon) we miss you! So now news makers will be D@|¯K@NGE|_ and B|_ACK|¯OSE .

So let’s start! Happy

Railonly side

Tag/ R2 2:1 Sneaky Bastards

In ranking raionly side all seems the same, not much cw's

as we are in summer! and many are inactive! swimming in their pools

or in some fascinating holydays far away from PC.

F2B Clan still Leading in ranking with 8 wins.

In 2nd is E><TREME! clan with 7 wins and 1 match lost.

On 3rd place is 3M'CLAN Clan with 8 wins and 4 lost matches.

Probably on September-October we will have more cw's and much activity!

Keep an eye on! Winking

Plus side

Tag/DA 2:0 THC

Tag/F2B 2:1 TnT

Tag/C4 2:0 ZMB

Tag/DS 2:0 Jumps

Tag/Extreme 2:0 DOK

Tag/[Mr] 2:0 F2B

Tag/BBScorpion 2:0 Jumps

Tag/F2B 2:0 Extreme

Tag/Unique 2:0 DS

Tag/[Mr] 2:1 DA

Tag/[Mr] 2:0 DS

Tag/DA 2-1 Unique

Tag/BBScorpion 2:1 C4

Tag/Extreme 2:0 C4

Tag/DA 2:0 DS

Tag/BBScorpion 2:1 Extreme

Tag/F2B 2:0 C4

Tag/F2B 2:0 DA

Tag/[Mr] 2:0 Extreme

Tag/ F2B 2:0 BBScorpion

Ranking situation changed!

Now [MR.] Clan is Leading in PLUS ranking with 11 wins.

In 2nd is unique Clan with 13 wins and 3 lost matches.

In 3rd place is E><TREME! Clan with 18 wins and 6 lost matches.

But this not ends here...soon we will have more rotations on dais!

Individual Rail Only (1vs1)

Tr1ckz 2:0 alienM

triv 2:0 jokey

illca 2:0 eskobar

Marcus 2:0 Fiasek

Ascari * DS 2 : 0 Extreme!Stqrm

Ebashu 2:1 GKS

Ascari * DS 2 : 0 illca

Narcyz 2:0 Aklin

Atrax 2:0 Boak

Stqrm 2:0 Eskobar

Baboom 2 : 1 Natali

Rosomak 2:1 AlienM

Russki 2:0 Aklin

Atrax 2:1 am1go

ultima 2:0 boak

Tr1ckz 2:0 Epsilon

Skull 2:0 Drina

Narcyz 2:0 Russki

Tr1ckz 2:0 Rosomak

Rosomak 2:1 Epsilon

Skull 2:0 NaTaLi

Russki 2:0 H3art

Marcus 2:0 Mas

Mas 2:1 Fiasek

Ascari * DS 2 : 0 Eskobar * Bloody

baboOm 2 : 1 Drina

BlackFx 2 : 0 Hazo

Skull 2:0 babOom

narcyz 2:0 heart

hazo 2:1 Rayden

ultima 2 : 1 Atrax

Am1go 2:1 Boak

Drina 2:0 Natali

ultima 2 : 0 am1go

Atrax 2:0 BlackFx

Ascari * DS 2 : 0 Rosomak

Tr1ckz 2:0 baboOm

stqrm 2:1 baboom

Tr1ckz 2:0 Stqrm

triv 2:1 trickz

ultima 2:1 Narcyz

Marcus 2:0 Atrax

Russki 2:0 BlackFx

Marcus 2:0 Russki

Skull 2:0 Rosomak

Ebashu 2:1 Rosomak

triv 2:0 stqrm

Ascari * DS 2 : 0 ebashu

Narcyz 2:0 Terror

triv 3:0 narcyz

ultima 3:1 Trickz

Ascari * DS 3 : 0 R2.Atrax

Skull 3:2 Marcus

Skull 2:0 ebashu

triv 3:2 ascari

We can see a hard fight for the first place in 1vs1 RAIL ranking side!

Skull is leading in this rank with 5 matches played and all 5 are wins.

Ascari is 2nd with 5 matches played and all 5 are wins, so we see that Skull and Ascari are very close in rail rank!

In 3rd place we have Marcus with 4 matches and all 4 are wins.

Individual Plus (1vs1)

fps 2:0 stqrm

Extreme!stqrm 2:0 Dok.lil'crazy

.TNT**Twister 2:1 Extreme!Stqrm

illca* 2:0 perry*

Scyzor*Extreme 2:0 Extreme!Stqrm

Ascari * DS 2 : 0 [Mr]Marcus

Camel 2:0 Epsilon

Marcus 2:0 Epsilon

Ufas 2:0 Epsilon

Epsilon 2:1 Illca

Extreme!Stqrm 2:1 Da|unreal

Seebz, still leading 1vs1 Plus ranking with 31 matches played, 25 wins, 6 lost.

Ascari is second with 11 matches played, 9 wins and 2 lost.

Ultima have a 3rd place with 13 matches, 10 wins and 3 lost.

We are looking for more interesting fights in near future! keep an eye on!

Right now on E+ we have 14 Railonly Clans and 18 Plus Clans

Also Dvinks clan is back, they only need to update the contact info

more info HERE<-(click)

So its like we have 19 Plus Clans Happy

Clans which are currently looking for players:

RSocKstar . RS* more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)

.DARK|ANGELS. more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)

EVOL more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)

*SNEAKY*BASTARDS more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)

(IS) * more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)

-C4- more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)

[clan]the blood brothers clan[/clan] more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)

SOFT' more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)

3M'CLAN more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)

| DVINSK more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)

HYPER more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)

1337*5|<!|_|_5 more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)

Lucky more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)

mi3 more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)

[MR.] more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)

ALONE more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)

Clanless players looking for clan to join:


Player transfers:

lebowsky -> lebowsky . RS

ownage -> ownage . RS

lion -> lion . RS

lion -> bloody|lion *trial*

devast -> devast . RS

noshit -> noshit . RS

he!!o -> HE!!O . RS

blunt -> BLUNT . RS

hunter -> HUNTER . RS

fokus -> FOKUS . RS

epsilon -> EPSILON . RS

sushi-Mann -> unique * sushi-mann

ali -> ALI . RS*

perry -> extreme!perry

game over -> ZMB*game over*

xvibenedykt -> ZMB*xvibenedykt*

goldman -> ZMB*goldman*

alienm -> ZMB*alienm*

excalibur -> ZMB*excali*

homix -> EVOL.homix

blackfx -> C4-blackfx

den -> unique * den (trial member)

zaxtor -> dark|zaxtor

syndrome -> .DA|syndrome *Trial* Member

carrera -> ZMB*carrera*

koszmit -> C4koszmit *trial*

hazard -> Hyper*hazard

crazy -> |IS|crazy

honey -> F2B'honey

dibe -> dibe*DS

paradox -> SOFT'paradox

w1atrakus -> C4-w1atrakus *trial*

missile -> C4-emenems *trial*

tr1nity -> C4-tr!nity *trial*

shocker -> C4-shocker *trial*

rosomak -> ZMB*rosomak*

tanaka -> ZMB*tanaka*

EX.L'-GT -> [D4]manson

|IS|raz -> |Mi3|raz

apshyx -> |Mi3|asphyx

triv -> |Mi3|triv

asuran -> |Mi3|asuran

io! -> |Mi3|io!

HK*Prowler --> Prowler)NWC(

damian -> dvinsk*damian

slaby -> |IS|<-slaby

ali -> *BC*ali

nature -> *BC*nature

dranz3r -> *BC*dranz3r

mistress -> [Mr.]mistress

shady'AK -> *ZMB*shady'AK (back to action)

digit -> *ZMB*digit (back to action)

seebz -> *ZMB*osm (back to action)

syntax left e+ Sad (more about it HERE<-(click)

terror left e+ Sad (more about it HERE<-(click)

New servers:



[!B@N@N@] Freeze Tag RAILONLY

Created by Asphyx and runing e5r config in TDM !!!

enjoy the old times!



Fun+ #2 : Kid Games

Created by Ali and runing gods config in FFA !!!

enjoy the old times!




Created by Darky & Rozyk, runing CPMA config in TDM !!!

enjoy the old times!

Summer FreeZe Cup '2010 !

1v1 RailOnly tournament

more info HERE <= click


Having problems with finding:

- smooth server for ranked match (CW),

- someone to record mvd from match,

- someone with knowledge of server commands,

- someone who could explain all ranking rules,

- someone who could supervise & control match progress on server.

Don't worry, ref+ is a team of dedicated

people who will help u with all those problems.

Simply visit ref+ public forums and create a post.

Someone will contact You and help u with arranging your match.

Complete name: Mariusz Gonczewski

Nickname: fala (means a wave)

Age: 31

Country: Poland

Clans/teams: F2B (e+), FT(noGhost)

Mouse: mostly i am plaing at WMO or AK-47 but i have whole bunch of other

Mouse pad: Sharkoon (for Q3), Corepad (for Q3), Destructor (for CS and any other usage)

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself and about your gaming history.

What to tell, i am nurd like many others, playing the game since first

public demo was relased. Played OSP PM with firiends by couple of years

then when i finally managed to have internet connection the second day

Carnage have captured me to the e+ clan by then i have played in so many

tournaments in here that i have losed the count.

I am living in Poland, working, eating, doing nothing, spending money on things i don't i really need, piece of everything.

2. What hobbies you’ve got and what you do in your free time.

Quake? Big grin thats to obvious aren't it? I am kinda sick about mices, all

kind of, those for gaming those for [...] I had like to ride on bike,

but i got no bike by 3 years now Happy i should buy one for sure missing

that a lot. Then there was a time where i made a lot of photos, and

there was a time where i was on gym by every day i think i am kinda

adicted to the workout as well.

3. What you think, what is the future of Excessive plus Mod? And if you think it will be more famous?

The future of e+ will look as the present time. This having a chance to

change but it needs a promotion* and a more competentive config* than

insta-kills. Eplus is a great mod with huge potentail and with current

developers it might be the best mod for q3, it just need a promotion and

proper competitions, e+ have unlimited potential.

*some rewards for turnaments, sponsors like razer, logitech, intel, amd, zowie and the person who manage to organize this

*Have you heard about q3 insta mod that is played on lan turnaments where u have sponsors and price rewards?

4. How you train and if you use some psychological trains before match tournaments, like other players as Lanwar(QL player)?

I don't train at all, i just go out and play. Ok thats a lie, sometimes

i train aiming and concentration on dm17 railing bots, or i warm up

before important games but i am not doing it often, mosty i just connect

and play.

5. You are more of Plus or Rail? And if you like Items in game, like armour and health to play with.

Dosen't have as such strong likings, i play only by my lazzines latley

mods that are insta-rail in q3, ql and warsow. Sometimes i like do play

with armors sometimes without, sometimes baseq3 sometimes CS sometimes

something other Happy

6. You think, the use of TS (Team Speak) in wars helps the team?

As long people in the team use it wiseley it helps a lot, but can also

distrub if temates talking to much and then you don't hear enemies or

you die out because someone forgot to mention there are 4 enemies

camping in the room , that he have telled you to go....

7. Why you chose this mod?

Because the servers have been drop as first in the in-game browswer and

they mostly had the best pings, quickly i have been recruted to a

clan(RS) and thats how it started, blind luck... i guess.

8. What mouse (currently) you use to play q3 and why this one?

WMO, because the sensor is the best from all mouses i have tried so

far, lif of distance is perfect, is a light weight mouse, maybe not the

best shape but still far better than most mices around.

9. And about mouse pad?

Sherkoon, because it is less dirty as the corepad Happy and has a little

better friction than corepad but that also depends how much a dirty the

pad is. Anyway i wouldn't recomend those two my next one is probably

Zowie cloth pad because they claims it has good friction.

10. And ending the interview, any words or thanks to someone?

- Renfri <3

- id like to thanks a lot to Beast (everyone knows why), this guy is amazing!

keep up Terror on the positive line, u have so much pasion don't wayste

it on the negative things, sometimes you need to close one eye to see

the thing in a positive way. Anger produces anger, if you smille to

others they smile back.

- guys and girls! accept my invtation to

Facebook FrontierVille you don't need to play, i just need to have a lot

neigbours to unlock some silly things Big grin !

- Renfri love u hun Kiss



Thank You for reading.

Best wishes,

D@|¯K@NGE|_ and B|_ACK|¯OSE Happy

Gloria Mōmentum
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”
—Ernest Hemingway

Taku's picture
Joined: Mar 2010
Re: Excessive+News [08.08.2010]

uu nice work lovers Happy

Black _Rose's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Excessive+News [08.08.2010]

hehe Ty:p uhhh so much work was %)

intact-epsilon's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
Re: Excessive+News [08.08.2010]

waw Big grin
this is rly cool!!! nice man .. hard job to collect and arrange all these infos! and cool little e+ icons there Happy

the interview is nicee! Rena.. we don't need you anymore Rolling on the floor (jk.)

i wont be bored tomorrow at work .. i'll read every line then Smug

GJ Darky & Rosy

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: Excessive+News [08.08.2010]

Nice change to news, and a lot of effort was put into it. Great touch on the different e+ badges, etc.

One thing i did not like was the interview. Structure was non-interactive and a bit bland. You could have asked a lot more about quake history, clan situation, change in community over past 6-7 years (this is one of the oldskool players round here). Also who's Lanwar? Surprise

I was going to show examples, but seems this thread:


is on some sort of "clan graveyard" part of the forum (probably during moving and cos xXx is inactive). If anyone was nice enough to move it somewhere readable, would really appreciate it.

apart from that, A+ for effort


nonsense repellent declamatory

darkangelspa's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Excessive+News [08.08.2010]

thx a lot all! Big grin we are very happy Happy

yeah ok shady, next time will be more detailed Tongue...its just fala didnt had time and we didnt also knew what to ask Big grin

anyway...next canditat is Beast+

Let us know what you would like to ask him and we will ask Smug !!!!

P.S. And yeah! i also like that icons :PPP

Gloria Mōmentum
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”
—Ernest Hemingway

mistress's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: Excessive+News [08.08.2010]

nice job guys... looks very good Happy

darkangelspa's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Excessive+News [08.08.2010]

what the....cunt! : ) thx Laughing)

Gloria Mōmentum
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”
—Ernest Hemingway

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: Excessive+News [08.08.2010]
3M'darkangel wrote:

thx a lot all! Big grin we are very happy Happy

yeah ok shady, next time will be more detailed Tongue...its just fala didnt had time and we didnt also knew what to ask Big grin

anyway...next canditat is Beast+

Let us know what you would like to ask him and we will ask Smug !!!!

P.S. And yeah! i also like that icons :PPP

3 of those would be fun to ask:

1) "North American e+ is currently "dormantly sleeping" at best. What part or aspect or person or clan/team (or even time period in general) do you miss the most from those NA/DeeX's Freeze OrGy times"

2) "What are your memorable e+ moments or wars?"

3) "What is your opinion on cylindrical hitboxes? :P"


nonsense repellent declamatory

mi3 * blackfx -C4-BLACKFX
BlackFx's picture
Joined: Mar 2010
Re: Excessive+News [08.08.2010]

GJ bananas. Very nice interview.

Site administrator
Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Excessive+News [08.08.2010]

fala gathers expirience in getting interviewed <: guess he just had a level up x)

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."