-: Excessive Dawn Weapon Config :-
didnt read any part of this topic(to lazy) but i heard ppl talking about this cfg and i wanne test it... is there any public server which run randomly this edawn.cfg?
didnt read any part of this topic(to lazy) but i heard ppl talking about this cfg and i wanne test it... is there any public server which run randomly this edawn.cfg?
read the topic
well i tested it (ina gave me a better answare than "read the topic" )i cant handle the physics2 + multijumps so i just walk and shoot... well even when i walk slowly left and right for aim on the enemy the campprotection hurts me after a pretty short time... not playable in my eyes if u arent a plus player
This cfg is 1on1 only... and withouth rail = ok.
this cg sux then we talking about any weapon against extra railer.... so what can i say... rockets just a big shit... lo? u say use more aim ? lo? ..for rail that's doesn't caunts/mather. So rail its just even more useful weapon... what a beauty, awwwww...
i got unreal idea narrow RG's active zone i mean spread ops no remove splash damage lo? hmn, what more is possible ? hmn i mean something new that u did to all weapons except rail...
ahh whatever, cfg just r0x, l0ve from first sight.......gn
(but u know ur work is truly good)
cfg needs more nade and bfg ammo for ctf... actually all the movement relies on multijumps and physics 2.
and I have to agree with everyone saying it was mainly a rail only cfg. armor/health makes no sense due to rail killing instantly anyways
(I dont mind that tho... reduces switchspam if just 1 weapon is good^^)
but regeneration of bfg-ammo is rly low =\ it can be very bad for ctf
ah and maybe will try rail damamge = 290?
Ok new version. And this time i really hope its the last one.
Whats new: well, if everything is as test show it is, NO MORE JUMPLAGS!!!
Or at least not as often as they used to be. We have been playing it for a while, and noone ended up with jumplags during that time.
I hope that means, one less e+ bug. But it will take much more players playing to see if its true.
I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!